Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Are You a Slave to Food?

Overweight is becoming normal - assuming that by normal you mean what most people do. Normal doesn't mean healthy or best.

Why is food controlling the minds of so many people? This must be what is happening because the body isn't designed to be fat. It is designed to store fat, but that's something completely different.

What bodies have are mechanisms that create sensations that are understood as time to start looking for something to eat. These sensations we call hunger. And sensations that are understood as time to stop eating. These sensations we call satiety or fullness. If we only took notice of these sensations and started to look for something to eat when we felt hungry and stopped eating the minute we felt sated, it is unlikely that anyone would have a problem with excess weight.
So why don't people listen to their bodies any more?
Maybe because food has become something it was never intended to be – the Master. more...

Click Here for SECRETS to losing weight without dieting

Article by
Michael J. Hadfield MBSCH


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